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  • Designing Tactile Graphics ​by Chancey Fleet and Lauren Race

  • Introduction to Game Design by Diganta Ghorai

  • Tactile and Accessible Wayfinding Apps in the Cities by Nihal Erkan

  • Field Trip The Highline

Lauren Race stands to the right of Chancey and explains something

Designing Tactile Graphics

by Chancey Fleet and Lauren Race

Chancey Fleet (left) is the Assistive Technology Coordinator at the New York Public Library. Lauren Race (right) is an accessibility researcher and fellow at the NYU Ability Project where her research focuses on designing and evaluating accessible and inclusive educational tools for learners with disabilities.

Introduction to Game Design

by Diganta Ghorai

Using the character designs from the previous week, we created a player vs player card battle game where each character had specific character moves with attack/defense/health/special attack point constraints.

Nihal standing on the left side and explaining how to use the accessibility apps to the students.

Tactile and Accessible Wayfinding Apps in the Cities

by Nihal Erkan

Demonstration of using accessible apps to provide assistance to the user for navigation in the city.

Field Trip

The Highline

Students went on a field trip the Highline and tested several accessibility apps of navigation.

Students walking down The Highline
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